Baby photographs of Asher Ingalls taken by Anna IngallsDo not check your url – I have high jacked Cameron’s blog!

Since being a mommy I have little time to devote to bloging or web surfing. The majority of my internet searching has been for googling such topics as: diaper rash, teething, and biting! Most recently I have been spending my time and devotion to 19lbs of chubbiness. It has been my goal to do a mini photo shoot of our little man every month. So far I’ve been successful. With the gorgeous weather it’s been fun putting those chubby buns for a dip in the baby pool. He absolutely loves it! Here are some of my highlights from Asher’s 6 month session.

To get a glance of the past 6 months from the hospital to our backyard check out my blog!

Baby photographs of Asher Ingalls taken by Anna Ingalls
Baby photographs of Asher Ingalls taken by Anna Ingalls
Baby photographs of Asher Ingalls taken by Anna Ingalls
Baby photographs of Asher Ingalls taken by Anna Ingalls